GKE / Cloud IAM workload Identity setup error 403


We have setup a CloudSQL proxy as a sidecar container for one of our Java / Tomcat based app.

Here's how we setup workload identity to enable our app to connect to CloudSQL through cloudsql proxy:

  1. Created Cloud IAM Service Account and gave it SQL Client permission:

  2. Setup Policy Binding as follows:

          gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding \
              --role roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser \
              --member "serviceAccount:[PROJECT_ID].svc.id.goog[default/default]" \
              [GSA_NAME]@[PROJECT_ID].iam.gserviceaccount.com ``` 
  3. Added annotation to GKE Service Account:

    kubectl annotate serviceaccount \
      --namespace [K8S_NAMESPACE] \
      [KSA_NAME] \
  1. But when we test this using:
    kubectl run --rm -it \
      --generator=run-pod/v1 \
      --image google/cloud-sdk:slim \
      --serviceaccount [KSA_NAME] \
      --namespace [K8S_NAMESPACE] \

Despite doing everything correctly as explained on this page still results in:

Error 403: The client is not authorized to make this request., notAuthorized

-- Parth Mehta

1 Answer


It turns out there is a glitch in Google Cloud IAM which seems to affect service accounts.

  1. Delete the existing Cloud IAM service account created in step 1 and role associated with it.
  2. Recreate the service account again (with exam same permissions)

which should fix the issue. Of course you'll have to redo step 2 and 3 again to complete the setup but it works.

-- Parth Mehta
Source: StackOverflow