I have a Kubernetes cluster using Istio and I need to debug an issue. I need to see all the configuration files that are being used. I would like to delete certain configurations from my cluster, but I am not sure what is running.
So for example, I can deploy a configuration kubectl apply -f config1.yaml
I need a list of all of the deployed configuration like "config1". Is there is a command that exists and can someone please provide it.
In the context of Istio, and applied to routing/networking, there are 6 objects:
# kubectl api-resources | grep networking.istio
destinationrules dr networking.istio.io true DestinationRule
envoyfilters networking.istio.io true EnvoyFilter
gateways gw networking.istio.io true Gateway
serviceentries se networking.istio.io true ServiceEntry
sidecars networking.istio.io true Sidecar
virtualservices vs networking.istio.io true VirtualService
So, to get all Istio objects, you can do:
kubectl get dr,envoyfilters,gw,se,sidecars,vs -oyaml -n NAMESPACE
Or --all-namespaces