daemonset with nodeSelectors


so i naturally run nvidia-docker and the k8s-device-plugin as a daemonset. as not all my kubernetes worker nodes have gpus, i use a nodeSelector in the daemonset to run just on nodes that i've labeled with accelerator=nvidia.

in another case, i also do the same for ingress-nginx: i label a few nodes that i want and run it as a daemonset. i then have an external (f5) load balancer that holds the VIP to the relevant DNS records for the ingress endpoints (yeah, i know there's a f5 ingress available - its on the todo list).

i've noticed that many users state that daemonsets should only be used for pods that should be running on ALL workers. is there anything inherently bad with my restriction of running daemonsets on a subset of nodes?

-- yee379

1 Answer


It's a valid use case. You can restrict the daemonset to run on the nodes that you want by using node selectors.

-- Shashank V
Source: StackOverflow