Is there a way in a Helm chart to take secrets stored as text strings and write them out to a file while installing the chart?


I am working on my first project using AWS EKS. My company has their own proprietary workflow for deploying apps to EKS which includes the requirement to use Helm. I need to take terraform and k8s yaml code provided by a vendor to stand up their app, and convert it to fit my company's proprietary standards. One of those standards requires that secrets not be stored with the code. I have to store secrets as text strings in a specific secrets.yaml file, which is then stored in a secure location and brought into the chart on the fly while it's installing it.

That's the background, now here's the question... The vendor provided app is designed to ingest credentials in the form of a text file. This text file is expected to be in with the code, which I can't do. Is there a way to embed a script or something within my Helm chart which can take these credentials which I have stored in the secrets file as a text string, and output to a temporary text file while the chart is being installed so that the file exists that the app needs?

-- Rich

1 Answer


I assume the secrets.yaml is added as a Kubernetes Secret in your environment?

What you can do is add the secret as a file in your app.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: secret-volume-example
  - name: provider-app
    image: provider-app
    - name: foo
      mountPath: "/path/to/provider/expected/location"
      readOnly: true
  - name: foo
      secretName: mysecret
-- Blokje5
Source: StackOverflow