core-dns says NXDOMAIN from query outside Kubernetes


I'm running Kubernetes with coredns. I can query the coredns only when i am inside the cluster.

Coredns resolves all Pods and Service from all namespaces fine:

pod1# nslookup pod99.svc.cluster.local #(coredns)

Address 1:

pod2# nslookup pod22.svc.cluster.local #(coredns)

Address 2:

and so on.

When I send the exact same query outside Kubernetes (from Home PC) I get:

HomePC# nslookup pod22svc.cluster.local #(coredns)

** server can't find pod22.svc.cluster.local: NXDOMAIN 

Log says:

1901 "A IN pod22.svc.cluster.local udp 47 false 512"
NXDOMAIN qr,aa,rd 140 0.000120622s it is no Firewall or Routing Problem.

Coredns answers depends on the Source IP Address ????????

What is here the Problem ?

-- fol

1 Answer


svc.cluster.local is resolved by CoreDNS which is running inside the kubernetes cluster. If you check /etc/resolv.conf inside any pod you will see IP of core dns pods. Since there is no dns resolver outside the cluster which is aware of svc.cluster.local you can only access svc.cluster.local from inside the cluster.

-- Arghya Sadhu
Source: StackOverflow