How to format logs in fluend while also adding additional fileds?


I'd want to add additioanl fields to a json log, such as timestamp and metadata, while also keeping the log itself as a string value of a "message" key.

For example, if the log I'm receiving is {"Hello":"World"}, what I eventually want is to have the following:

 "message": "{\"Hello\":\"World\"}"
-- Roman Vogman

1 Answer


You're looking for filter_record_transformer.

Something like:

  @type record_transformer
  enable_ruby true
    metadata '{"foo":"bar"}'
    timestamp ${time.iso8601}

Note: enable_ruby true is required to transform ${time} to the format you're after. If you don't need to manipulate strings or similar, you can leave that line out.

-- Ari
Source: StackOverflow