I'm trying to write simple ansible playbook that would be able to execute some arbitrary command against the pod (container) running in kubernetes cluster.
I would like to utilise kubectl connection plugin: https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/plugins/connection/kubectl.html but having struggle to figure out how to actually do that.
Couple of questions:
I'm assuming that, during the ansible-playbook invocation, I would point to k8s inventory.
I would like to utilise kubectl connection plugin: https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/plugins/connection/kubectl.html but having struggle to figure out how to actually do that.
The fine manual describes how one uses connection plugins, and while it is possible to use in in tasks, that is unlikely to make any sense unless your inventory started with Pods.
The way I have seen that connection used is to start by identifying the Pods against which you might want to take action, and then run a playbook against a unique group for that purpose:
- hosts: all
- set_fact:
# this is *just an example for brevity*
# in reality you would use `k8s:` or `kubectl get -o name pods -l my-selector=my-value` to get the pod names
- nginx-12345
- nginx-3456
- add_host:
name: '{{ item }}'
- my-pods
with_items: '{{ pod_names }}'
- hosts: my-pods
connection: kubectl
# and now you are off to the races
- command: ps -ef
# watch out if the Pod doesn't have a working python installed
# as you will have to use raw: instead
# (and, of course, disable "gather_facts: no")
- raw: ps -ef
Maybe you can use like this...
- shell: |
First install k8s collections
ansible-galaxy collection install community.kubernetes
and here is play-book, it will sort all pods and run a command in every pod
hosts: localhost
- vars/main.yaml
- community.kubernetes
name: Get the pods in the specific namespace
kubeconfig: '{{ k8s_kubeconfig }}'
kind: Pod
namespace: test
register: pod_list
name: Print pod names
msg: "pod_list: {{ pod_list | json_query('resources[*].status.podIP') }} "
- set_fact:
pod_names: "{{pod_list|json_query('resources[*].metadata.name')}}"
kubeconfig: '{{ k8s_kubeconfig }}'
namespace: "{{ namespace }}"
pod: "{{ item.metadata.name }}"
command: apt update
with_items: "{{ pod_list.resources }}"
register: exec
label: "{{ item.metadata.name }}"