How to add helm repo from an existing github project?


I have an existing github project. I want to create/add a helm folder to the project to store the helm yaml files. I want to reference this github project/folder to act like a helm repo in my local/dev environment. I know I can add the charts to my local/default helm repo. The use case is if another developer checks out the code in github and he needs to work on the charts then he can run helm install directly from the working folder. The website has instructions of adding a gh-pages branch but I am wondering if I can avoid it.

Can I use an existing github project and it via the helm repo add command?

-- alltej

2 Answers


Firstly make sure that you have have fully functional helm repository. The tricky part is to access it as if it was simple HTTP server hosting raw files. Fortunately Github provides such feature using In order for helm to be able to pull files from such repository you need to provide it with Github username and token (Personal Access Token):

> helm repo add - username <your_github_username> - password <your_github_token> my-github-helm-repo ''
> helm repo update
> helm repo list
> helm search my-app
my-github-helmrepo/my-app-chart 0.1.0 1.0 A Helm chart for Kubernetes

These are steps for adding new packages to existing repository

If you want to add new package to existing repository simply:

1. Place new package in your local repository root

2. Execute: helm repo index .. This will detect new file/folder and make updates.

3. Commit and push your new package

4. Finally execute command: helm repo update

Security ascpect

It is important to realize where does helm actually store your Github token. It is stored as plain text in ~/.helm/repository/repositories.yaml. In this case it will be good to generate token with as few permissions as possible.

Take a look here: hosting helm private repository.

-- MaggieO
Source: StackOverflow


Unfortunately, I wasn't able to find a way to publish helm charts via GitHub using private repositories. On a theoretical level, it might work using GitHub token and 2nd (raw URLs method), but I haven't tried it. Since you're using docker registry anyway, it might be worth trying using OCI (docker) registry to store the charts.

If that doesn't work, or you have public repos, it is possible to either use GitHub Pages, or use GitHub raw URLs. Both of the solutions require public repository.

To use GitHub pages:

  • Setup github pages to publish docs folder as github pages (you can use a different name, just substitue later)
  • Package the helm repo as .tgz (using helm package): helm package charts/mychart -d docs/. Substitute charts/mychart with a path to a chart root folder
  • Include an index.yaml -- an index file for the repository helm repo index ./docs --url https://<YOUR_ORG_OR_USERNAME><REPO_NAME>

Now you can add the repo: helm repo add <INTERNAL_NAME> https://<YOUR_ORG_OR_USERNAME><REPO_NAME>

To use Raw URLs:

  • Place index.yaml and chart TGZs into a folder called docs, just like above

Now you can add a repo: helm repo add <INTERNAL_NAME><YOUR_ORG_OR_USERNAME>/<REPO_NAME>/<BRANCH_USUALLY_MASTER>/docs

-- KarolisL
Source: StackOverflow