Where exactly does the load balancer logic run on?


I'm running a local cluster with one master node and one worker node and a statefulset with 10 pods and I'm trying to figure out a way to send information from a pod webr-master - that lives on the master node running a container image that receives http POST requests from the statefulset's pods - to the load balancer code/logic (in my case - NodePort).

  1. Is this possible?
  2. Does the code/logic run on the master node?
  3. Does the kubernetes service installed in my cluster run all the logic and code or is it one of the docker images related to kubernetes?
  4. In case it's one of the docker images: if I add a container with a docker image tagged with kube and expose some container port to it - will it work?
  5. In case it's the kubernetes service: how can I have the webr-master pod connect to this service?


-- Racheli a

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