How to create an alert with Stackdriver which checks GKE pods/deployments statuses?


Also I would like the alert to be triggered if GKE cluster ceases to be reachable, hence no status for the pods/deployments.

The question is about the new stackdriver for kubernetes which is currently in beta.

Actually, I wonder what is supposed to happen on a pod alert if the cluster is manually destroyed. Does Stackdriver detects that the cluster is gone and still manages the alert (maybe with '0' value depending on the metric)?

Thanks for any hint

-- unludo

1 Answer


You may find this useful, this is the guide for Stackdriver kubernetes engine monitoring, there you may check the alerting and how to observe your system.

Also, here it is a list of the metrics for the new Stackdriver kubernetes engine vs the previous metrics in case you were familiar.

And here are the full list of metrics, always useful.

-- AdolfoOG
Source: StackOverflow