How make fetch requests on API with private ip?


I am working on project with microservices, and i have some issues. I have a ReactJS frontend, and a ASP.NET API, and i am working on docker/kubernetes environment. I try to fetch data on my front from API like this :

    const https = require("https");
    const agent = new https.Agent({
        mode: "cors",
        method: 'GET',
        rejectUnauthorized: false
    return fetch(hostApi1 +'/api/Weather/Index', { agent })

hostapi1= The Frontend have a public ip, and the api a private ip.

But the console return this error :

FetchWeather.tsx:130 GET net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT

But when i try this from the front container :

curl -k

I obtain a good response with my data.

So there some specifics to add in my request for fetch data on API with private IP ? (when i add a public ip for my api it works, but this this not the aim)

Thanks for any help.

-- cocobiƱo

1 Answer


Your ReactJS frontend is running in user's browser. So you need to connect to backend using external IP. You cannot use private cluster ip from outside the cluster.

-- Shashank V
Source: StackOverflow