Telepresence show full log for --run-shell


I've just started to look at Telepresence to be able connect my local process in k8s cluster.

There's the --run-shell flag which allows you to run your process inside the container (I'm using docker-desktop on docker for mac)

telepresence --swap-deployment <deployment_name> --run-shell

when I try to run my java process inside telepresence

@docker-desktop|~  $ <SET SOME ENV VARS> java -jar <targe.jar> <server> <config.yaml>

it fails (I guess predictably, since there are some permission issues) but I wanna see how can I see the full log

if I run the java process from my local machine I see the full log in stdout, but Telepresence does not print out everything (only shows last dozen lines)

so how can I see the full log of the process within Telepresence?

-- Mahyar

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