MongoDB timeout error in Google Cloud Kubernetes Engine


I'm trying to deploy my app in Google Cloud Kubernetes Engine; it consists of backend (in Node.JS) and a DB (MongoDB).

When I'm testing it on my local VM within Minikube it works as expected - I can connect from the API to the DB.

However, when deploy it on GCP my API can't connect, and after checking the API's pod logs, I see the MongoDB :: connection error: MongoTimeoutError: Server selection timed out after 30000 ms error.

I don't know if it matters, but those two microservices are in the same node.

Is there any difference to be aware of between the local Minikube setup and the GCP setup?

-- Murakami

2 Answers


Make sure the pods are running and there is no error in logs of the pod. You might have a network policy which blocks pod to pod communication.Check if the cluster network policy enforcement is enabled and try disabling cluster network policy enforcement using cloud cli

gcloud container clusters update [CLUSTER_NAME] --no-enable-network-policy

-- Arghya Sadhu
Source: StackOverflow


After all this helped me: Google Cloud Platform - Can't connect to mongodb

First answer shows how to add firewall rule but second is even more important to change IP address inside the mongodb config. May it be done easier?

-- Murakami
Source: StackOverflow