Continuous integration with gitab-ci and kubernetes


I have successfully installed and setup a kubernetes cluster and gitlab-ci.

I have created a very basic python project on gitlab.

I have a Dockerfile which works fine.

I can easily build my docker image by hand (with docker build)

I can push this image by hand (with docker push)

And i can update this image on kubernetes cluster with this command:

kubectl rollout restart deployment/myapp-deployment 

What i want to do now is to launch this steps automaticly on each merge on production branch.

I have setup a .gitlab-ci.yml file. All commands (docker build, docker push, kubectl rollout) are hard coded in .gitlab-ci.yml.

What i want to do is to work with new autodevops feature.

I have configured my kubernetes cluster (operations section) of my gitlab-ci project. I have removed .gitlab-ci.yml (no matter this file with autodevops ?)

But nothing works ! The gitlab runner wants to run /build/ but this file does not exists.

What should i do in order to make autodevops work ?


-- Bob5421

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