When creating Kubernetes Pods with Skuber, how do you define a Pod that has affinity with another Pod?
val podASpec = Pod.Spec( ..., affinity = podB )
val podBSpec = Pod.Spec( ..., affinity = podA )
First, decide on a topologyKey to use. If you want affinity to work per distinct node, you can use kubernetes.io/hostname
You can create a Skuber Pod Affinity like so:
import skuber.Pod.Affinity
import skuber.Pod.Affinity.{PodAffinity, PodAffinityTerm}
import skuber.LabelSelector.dsl._
val podAffinty = PodAffinity( List(PodAffinityTerm(
Some(LabelSelector("myLabel" is "something")),
val affinity = Some( Affinity(None, Some( podAffinty ) ) )
and pass in affinity=affinity
when creating your Pod.Spec