i am working on creating a new metric in promethus and graphana as the dashboard UI. currently we have a kubernetes ingress controller and we need to send the header data to promethus
(EX : hostname : stackoverflow.com / stackoverflow.in etc )
and the URL path : similar to the API path ex :
1) /api/questions/1234/ask
2) /api/questions/12345/ask
3) /api/questions/123456/ask ) to promethus.
we need to find a way to send the formatted path from ingress to promethus which should be like /api/questions/{id}/ask also
we need to find a way to send the original host from ingress to promethus.
As of now we are not sending this data to promethus
i am new to dashboard stuff can anyone shed some light on how to send those metrics to promethus and create custom metric accordingly.