Kubernetes Volume, PersistentVolume, PersistentVolumeClaim


I've been working with Kubernetes for quite a while, but still often got confused about Volume, PersistentVolume and PersistemtVolumeClaim. It would be nice if someone could briefly summarize the difference of them.

-- Dagang

2 Answers


These are all in a Kubernetes application context. Too keep applications portable between different Kubernetes platforms, it is good to abstract away the infrastructure from the application. Here I will explain the Kubernetes objects that belongs to Application config and also to the Platform config. If your application runs on both e.g. GCP and AWS, you will need two sets of platform configs, one for GCP and one for AWS.

Application config


A pod may mount volumes. The source for volumes can be different things, e.g. a ConfigMap, Secret or a PersistentVolumeClaim


A PersistentVolumeClaim represents a claim of a specific PersistentVolume instance. For portability this claim can be for a specific StorageClass, e.g. SSD.

Platform config


A StorageClass represents PersistentVolume type with specific properties. It can be e.g. SSD. But the StorageClass is different on each platform, e.g. one definition on AWS, Azure, another on GCP or on Minikube.


This is a specific volume on the platform. And it may be different on platforms, e.g. awsElasticBlockStore or gcePersistentDisk. This is the instance that holds the actual data.

Minikube example

See Configure a Pod to Use a PersistentVolume for Storage for a full example on how to use PersistentVolume, StorageClass and Volume for a Pod using Minikube and a hostPath.

-- Jonas
Source: StackOverflow


Volume - For a pod to reference a storage that is external , it needs volume spec. This volume can be from configmap, from secrets, from persistantvolumeclaim, from hostpath etc

PeristentVolume - It is representation of a storage that is made avaliable. The plugins for cloud provider enable to create this resource.

PeristentVolumeClaim - This claims specific resources and if the persistent volume is avaliable in namespaces match the claim requirement, then claim get tied to that Peristentvolume

At this point this PVC/PV aren't used. Then in Pod spec, pod makes use of claim as volumes and then the storage is attached to Pod

-- Shambu
Source: StackOverflow