unable to docker push images in artifactory


I'm having problems pushing images to my docker repo in Artifactory. Pulling the images works as expected, but pushing them gives me an error. I can see the progress bar pushing the image, but somehow it times out w/ a "I/O Timeout"

My setup consists of an Artifactory instance running in my k8 cluster and I have a F5 in front of it for SSL offloading. I followed these instruction for using the repository path method.

On the http settings I've tried using the nginx/http reverse proxy or just using the embedded tomcat. I either the the "I/O timeout" or a "503 Service Unavailable" (when using the embedded).

I know network wise everything is ok, since I can push other items. i.e, files, npm etc... It's a bit frustrating that I'm able to pull but not push. Has anyone seen this before??

-- craftytech

2 Answers


Do the docker push command again with artifactory UI open ( Admin -> System logs -> Request log )

You should see a few requests coming in with '/api/docker' in the path. What's the return code and full path shows in request log?

-- ypan
Source: StackOverflow


The docker registry push would require docker login. You may need to get credentials for the docker registry so that you push. Say if you have saved password in a file

docker login --username=yourhubusername --email=youremail@company.com And then try push.

-- Shambu
Source: StackOverflow