I have created aks cluster in azure, and next trying to add a ingress controller to it,
using the following command:
helm install --tls application-gateway-kubernetes-ingress/ingress-azure \
--name pub-agic \
--namespace webingress \
--set appgw.name=public-appgateway \
--set appgw.resourceGroup=myresoucegroup\
--set appgw.subscriptionId=$sub_id \
--set appgw.shared=false \
--set armAuth.type=servicePrincipal \
--set armAuth.secretJSON=$(az ad sp create-for-rbac --sdk-auth | base64 -w0) \
--set rbac.enabled=true \
--set verbosityLevel=3 \
--set kubernetes.watchNamespace=default \
--set aksClusterConfiguration.apiServerAddress=$srvAddress
while executing this command i am getting an error:
Error: remote error: tls: bad certificate
for ref: https://azure.github.io/application-gateway-kubernetes-ingress/setup/install-existing/
helm -version: v2.12.2