Here lies the issue: I have a Kubernetes cluster with multiple nodes and I want to mount a single secret containing the key, crt, keystore data for all my nodes.
My process for generating them for a single node is as follows:
Let's assume I have completed these steps for all my nodes. What can I do to bundle all these into a single set of keys and keystore file ? Can i just concat all my certificate requests obtained at step 2 into a single csr and download the p7b for that and just follow through ?
For anyone looking for a solution as well, I managed to generate a single certificate for all hostnames by generating the keystore with multiple dns/ip entries.
keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias <your_alias> -keystore <your_keystore_name>.jks -storetype JKS -keysize 2048 -validity 365 -ext SAN=dns:<hostname1>,ip:<ip1>,dns:<hostname2>,ip:<ip2>
You can also use KeyStore Explorer to generate the same (through a GUI) and it also supports wildcards such as *