I am trying to define the namespace name when executing the kubectl create deployment
This is what I tried:
kubectl create deployment test --image=banu/image1 namespace=test
and this doesn't work.
And I want to expose this deployment using a ClusterIP
service within the cluster itself for that given namespace
How can I do that using kubectl
command line?
kubectl create ns test
ns stands for namespace, so with kubectl you say you want to create namespace with name test
kubectl create deployment test --image=banu/image1 -n test
Where flag -n stands for namespace, that way you say to Kubernetes that all resources related to that deployment will be under the test namespace
kubectl get all -n test
--namespace and -n is the same things
Use -n test instead of namespace=test
Sample with nginx image:
$ kubectl create deployment nginx --image=nginx -n test
deployment.apps/nginx created
$ kubectl get deploy -n test
nginx 1/1 1 1 8s
In second case you need to create service and define labels from deployment. You can find correct labels by runnig something like: kubectl -n test describe deploy test |grep Labels:
and apply service like:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: test-svc
namespace: test
- name: test
port: 80 # Change this port
protocol: TCP
type: ClusterIP
# Here you need to define output from previous step
You can specify either -n
or --namespace
kubectl create deployment test --image=nginx --namespace default --dry-run -o yaml
and see result deployment yaml.
Using kubectl run
kubectl run test --namespace test --image nginx --port 9090 --dry-run -o yaml