Helm v3 cannot find my charts in private repo


I have a private helm repo using apache, after migrating to helm3 I cannot install/search charts anymore.

Using helm v3

helm repo list
mas     http://localhost:8080/charts/

helm search repo mas/devops-openshift
No results found

Using helm 2.*

helm search -r mas/devops-openshift
NAME                    CHART VERSION          APP VERSION    DESCRIPTION       
mas/devops-openshift    7.0.0                                 Devops (OpenShift)

Same happens when using "helm install" command, it cannot find the charts.

I guess it could be something related to the helm repo index file. Maybe helmv3 is expecting a different structure? But same happen when generating index file from helmv3.

-- João Paulo Karol Nunes

2 Answers


While migrating from helm 2 to helm 3 remove private repo and add it after migration, then run helm repo update to refresh repository file.

If the chart is available locally, run helm repo index <DIR> --url <your_repo_url> to create new index.yaml for this repository. Running helm env will show you the directory where the repository.yamlis located so check if the file is generated correctly.

-- KFC_
Source: StackOverflow


Thanks all for the answers but I've found the issue. My repository were using development version of the charts so I had something like this 1.0.0-pre.dev (Semantic Versioning 2.0.0). By default helm 3 does not look at non production charts. You have to set the flag -devel. something like: helm search repo mas/devops-openshift -devel

-- João Paulo Karol Nunes
Source: StackOverflow