Hybrid K8S accross on-prem and public cloud


I'm running my service at K8S on-prem, is there any way to deploy my service (such as an eComm website) accross K8S on-prem and public cloud's K8S (for example Google Compute Engine run K8S or GKE) as hybrid K8S?

Can K8s (or Istio) support this kind of requirement for two different location?

-- Tonny C

1 Answer


If I understand you correctly the answer is yes.

According to the GKE documentation.

GKE On-Prem is hybrid cloud software that brings Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) to on-premises data centers. With GKE On-Prem, you can create, manage, and upgrade Kubernetes clusters in your on-prem environment and connect those clusters to Google Cloud Console.

You can find the Overview of installation here. And rest of the documentation here.

As for Istio:

Istio is an open source framework for connecting, monitoring, and securing microservices, including services running on GKE On-Prem.

Please let me know if that helps.

-- OhHiMark
Source: StackOverflow