How to enable a feature gate in Google Kubernetes Engine?


I'm create GKE clusters for end-to-end tests programmatically with

gcloud container clusters create mereet-e2e-$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA-$CI_PIPELINE_IID --machine-type=n1-standard-1 --no-enable-stackdriver-kubernetes --no-enable-autoupgrade --preemptible --enable-kubernetes-alpha --quiet

Afaik feature flags are enabled with kubeadm init which is run by GKE. I searched carefully through options of gcloud, gcloud container, gcloud container clusters and gcloud container clusters create as well as their gcloud alpha and gcloud beta equivalents with no clue how to control feature gates.

I would like to activate the feature gate StartupProbe.

I tried beta and alpha clusters in the hope that my feature gate is already active in these versions. It's not a problem that the feature will be only available in beta or alpha.

-- Karl Richter

1 Answer


Accroding to the docs, StartupProbe is a 1.16 alpha feature, while on GKE you can create clusters up to 1.14.

enter image description here

So, it won't even be documented in GCP docs. Besides, note that you don't have access to k8s master on GKE. Only to some features.

With kubeadm you can do whatever you want.

-- suren
Source: StackOverflow