How do I forward headers to different services in Kubernetes (Istio)


I have a sample application (web-app, backend-1, backend-2) deployed on minikube all under a JWT policy, and they all have proper destination rules, Istio sidecar and MTLS enabled in order to secure the east-west traffic.

kind: Policy
  name: oidc
  - name: web-app
  - name: backend-1
  - name: backend-2
  - mtls: {}
  - jwt:
      issuer: "http://myurl/auth/realms/test"
      jwksUri: "http://myurl/auth/realms/test/protocol/openid-connect/certs"
  principalBinding: USE_ORIGIN

When I run the following command I receive a 401 unauthorized response when requesting the data from the backend, which is due to $TOKEN not being forwarded to backend-1 and backend-2 headers during the http request.

curl http://minikubeip/api "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"

Is there a way to forward http headers to backend-1 and backend-2 using native kubernetes/istio? Am I forced to make application code changes to accomplish this?

Edit: This is the error I get after applying my oidc policy. When I curl web-app with the auth token I get

{"errors":[{"code":"APP_ERROR_CODE","message":"401 Unauthorized"}

Note that when I curl backend-1 or backend-2 with the same auth-token I get the appropriate data. Also, there is no other destination rule/policy applied to these services currently, policy enforcement is on, and my istio version is 1.1.15. This is the policy I am applying:

kind: Policy
  name: default
  namespace: default
  # peers:
  # - mtls: {}
  - jwt:
      issuer: ""
      jwksUri: ""
  principalBinding: USE_ORIGIN
-- V. Ro

1 Answer


should the token be propagated to backend-1 and backend-2 without any other changes?

Yes, policy should transfer token to both backend-1 and backend-2

There is a github issue , where users had same issue like You

A few informations from there:

The JWT is verified by an Envoy filter, so you'll have to check the Envoy logs. For the code, see

Pilot retrieves the JWKS to be used by the filter (it is inlined into the Envoy config), you can find the code for that in pilot/pkg/security

And another problem with that in stackoverflow

where accepted answer is:

The problem was resolved with two options: 1. Replace Service Name and port by external server ip and external port (for issuer and jwksUri) 2. Disable the usage of mTLS and its policy (Known issue:

From istio documentation

For each service, Istio applies the narrowest matching policy. The order is: service-specific > namespace-wide > mesh-wide. If more than one service-specific policy matches a service, Istio selects one of them at random. Operators must avoid such conflicts when configuring their policies.

To enforce uniqueness for mesh-wide and namespace-wide policies, Istio accepts only one authentication policy per mesh and one authentication policy per namespace. Istio also requires mesh-wide and namespace-wide policies to have the specific name default.

If a service has no matching policies, both transport authentication and origin authentication are disabled.

-- chd
Source: StackOverflow