Workaround to run Sonobuoy e2e tests on K8S cluster having node taints


I'm trying to run E2E Kubernetes tests using Sonobuoy, but if one of the nodes has custom taints (NoSchedule) I'm getting

Nov 26 08:31:14.626: INFO: >>> kubeConfig: /tmp/kubeconfig-744133672
Nov 26 08:31:14.635: INFO: Waiting up to 30m0s for all (but 0) nodes to be schedulable
Nov 26 09:01:14.652: INFO: Unexpected error occurred: timed out waiting for the condition
Failure [1800.028 seconds]
BeforeSuite] BeforeSuite 

Expected error:
<*errors.errorString | 0xc4200836b0>: {
s: "timed out waiting for the condition",
timed out waiting for the condition
not to have occurred


Kubernetes version is 1.12. If I remove taints in my test cluster E2E tests passed successfully.

I've found that it was fixed in 1.17 version (see: )

Is there a workaround to run e2e tests on production 1.12 Kubernetes cluster having node taints? Except for waiting for 1.17 version and cluster upgrade of course.

-- Katona

1 Answer


I think there's a workaround for kubernetes versions prior to 1.17.

On kubernetes version v1.16 you can run Sonobuoy (Sonobuoy version v0.16.1 or higher) with providing the test framework flag: --allowed-not-ready-nodes=1

sonobuoy run --plugin-env=e2e.E2E_EXTRA_ARGS="--allowed-not-ready-nodes=1"

And on kubernetes version prior to v1.16 it was more complicated. I haven't tested this but according to docs:

-- Tomasz Tarczynski
Source: StackOverflow