Where I can learn the Kubernetes with Hands on


I am sorry if this question sounds silly.

I would like to know any place where I can learn the kubernetes simple to hard way where a beginner can get the whole idea of kubernetes, from scratch until you deploy an application to aws with other tools such as prometheus, stackstorm etc.

I know there are many Youtube videos and Udemy courses, but, I need a different source, maybe a Github Repository, or a Blog that teaches a newbie about Kubernetes from scratch to at least to the intermediate level with commands using minikube.

Thank you so much for your patience with me for a question like this but I really appreciate this. It is hard to find a good tutorial, videos are really boring or out of the scope sometimes.

-- BhagyaKolitha Jayalath

2 Answers


If you are really want to do it all manually you should check Kubernetes The Hard Way. This tutorial does not have any automation process, you need to do all manually. Honestly I would recommend it after a few days/weeks of practicing with Kubernetes.

Second good place to learn Kubernetes is Katakoda. You can find there Kubernetes and Docker tutorials. If you want to learn Kubernetes you also need to learn something about containers before.

Another place is Kubernetes Tutorials. Also here you can find some Tasks or Concepts. The same site contains whole K8s documentation with real examples.

For environment to run Kubernetes I would advise you Minikube. It will create you one-node cluster. Before you will need instal Docker and Kubectl. As for beginner I would suggest to use Minikube with --vm-driver=none.

Last source I wanted to mentioned is Medium. You will be able to find many tutorials for Kubernetes/Kubeadm/Minikube.

-- PjoterS
Source: StackOverflow


You can try katacoda .They have provide dummy kubernetes environment. katacoda .

Although kubernetes docs are enough to get to know about deployments,services,pods etc. You can try those example in katacoda environment. Kubernetes playground

Katacoda also have some examples .

-- shubham_asati
Source: StackOverflow