I have an app which has multiple APIs defined as: - /CreateUser - /DeleteUser - /UpdateUser The API accepts JSON data as an input body in the request.
I have deployed the app, HAProxy Ingress Controller in GKE. I would like to do the following using ingress rewrite. But not sure what to implement.
User will request using url: http:///user-reg/create-user/CreateUser/ http:///user-reg/delete-user/DeleteUser/
The above requests will be rewritten and will hit the app APIs (/CreateUser or /DeleteUser etc.)
I have tried below but it's not working.
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
name: fanout-ingress-haproxy
namespace: xyz-product
labels: # Labels that will be applied to this resource
app: prod-user-reg-app
haproxy.org/forwarded-for: "enabled"
haproxy.org/load-balance: "roundrobin"
haproxy.org/ingress.class: "haproxy"
kubernetes.io/ingress.global-static-ip-name: prod-reg-static-ip #Defined in GCP platform. A Static IP needs to be created in the GCP.
haproxy.ingress.kubernetes.io/rewrite-target: /$3
# - host: demo.apps.myproduct.com
- http:
- path: /user-reg/create-user(/|$)(.*)
serviceName: prod-user-reg-create-app
servicePort: 8081
When I trying to apply the Ingress the below error is happening:
Why this error is getting generated? How to resolve? And what would be the rewrite rule if I want to achieve the above?
On another note, I am using static IP to access the app via loadbalancer. Static IP is attached to the loadbalancer. If you see in the Ingress yaml file I have disabled the hostname. If I enable the hostname then from my desktop PostMan app I am not to request the app and getting 504 error. I have even tried to add the Hostname in the GCP Cloud DNS but still no luck.
How the Hostname is being used in the Ingress YAML? How can I send a request to the app over the internet using my desktop PostMan application?
Thanks in advance. - Suvendu