How to force delete deployment in k8s using helm?


I have k8s cluster with pods, deployments etc. I am using helm to deploy my app. I want to delete all deployment and using below command

helm delete myNamespace --purge

If I will look at status of my pods, I will see that there are in terminating state, problem is that it takes time. Is there any way to remove it like instantly with some force flag or somthing.

-- liotur

1 Answer


You can try the following command:

helm delete myNamespace --purge --no-hooks

Also, you can use kubectl to forcefully delete the pods, instead of waiting for termination.

Here's what I got from this link.

If you want to delete a Pod forcibly using kubectl version >= 1.5, do the following:

kubectl delete pods <pod> --grace-period=0 --force

If you’re using any version of kubectl <= 1.4, you should omit the --force option and use:

kubectl delete pods <pod> --grace-period=0

If even after these commands the pod is stuck on Unknown state, use the following command to remove the pod from the cluster:

kubectl patch pod <pod> -p '{"metadata":{"finalizers":null}}'

Always perform force deletion of StatefulSet Pods carefully and with complete knowledge of the risks involved.

-- Muhammad Abdul Raheem
Source: StackOverflow