How to run an Apache Camel integration with Camel K containing: XML file & .java file


Document of Apache Camel K guides how to run an integration wroten by XML. But when I need to write custom code in Java (processors, transform), I can not find the way to run them together. So, have Camel K supported this features? If it have, how can I do that?

-- Nickie

1 Answer


You can mix languages like

kamel run --name my-app routes.xml

Then if your need is to write custom processors in java, then you can bind such processors to the camel registry from your configure method like

getContext().getRegistry().bind("myProcessor", new Processor() { ... }

or by annotating methods with @BindToRegistry in tour RouteBuilder class like

Processor myProcessor() {
    return exchange -> { ... }
-- Luca Burgazzoli
Source: StackOverflow