How to provide credentials for s3 bucket provider to Velero when creating a new backup-location


Velero is installed in the cluster. At the installation velero was given credentials to s3 provider with --secret-file parameter and everything works fine.

Now I would like to create a new backup-location which will use buckets from a different s3 provider. When creating a backup location I pass to --config a key/value pair of s3Url=... But I can't seem to find a way to add a way to pass credentials to the new a3 provider. The --secret-file flag that worked at install is not accepted.

As the result when calling backup create with the new --storage-location the backup is created as failed.

My question is how I can give velero a way to authenticate itself with the new s3 provider? Is it even possible to create a new backup-location using s3 provider different that that used at velero install?

-- BanzaiTokyo

2 Answers


As the documentation says:

Velero only supports a single set of credentials per provider. It's not yet possible to use different credentials for different locations, if they're for the same provider.

So I am afraid it is not possible at the moment to add new credentials.

-- BanzaiTokyo
Source: StackOverflow


As far as I can see from Velero Issue Tracker, they are working on fixing that issue, however it still hasn't been properly implemented.

-- Nick
Source: StackOverflow