What is meaning of a Kubernetes Native Java stack?


What is meaning of Quarkus Tag line (A Kubernetes Native Java stack)

A Kubernetes Native Java stack tailored for OpenJDK HotSpot and GraalVM, crafted from the best of breed Java libraries and standards. (https://quarkus.io)

Does this means Quarkus Project deploy on Kubernetes or Container Service made on Kubernetes?

-- fatherazrael

1 Answer


It means it has been designed with Kubernetes and more generally containers in minds.

That means a couple of things:

  • density: we want to improve the density of the Java applications in container by reducing the memory usage;
  • fast startup: we need to be able to start fast, be it for auto-scaling or for serverless workload;
  • we also need to be container-friendly: this is mostly about providing the necessary tools to easily deploy in a cloud environment.

That being said, it also runs perfectly well on a physical server or on whatever you want to host it. It's just that the container world brings some additional constraints.

-- Guillaume Smet
Source: StackOverflow