I want to deploy the hyperledger fabric network on Kubernetes, can anyone guide me or provide the sample docs for the same
You can find amazing documentation along with examples in Hyperledger Fabric meets Kubernetes. I have tested with 1.4.1 HL Fabric binaries - works fine.
A running Kubernetes cluster, Minikube should also work, but not tested
HL Fabric binaries (There is an issue with cryptogen 1.4.3, so use 1.4.2 or 1.4.1)
Helm, developed with 2.11, newer 2.xx versions should also work
jq 1.5+ and
yq 2.6+
Argo, both CLI and Controller 2.4.0+
Minio, only required for backup/restore and new-peer-org flows
Run all the commands in fabric-kube folder
AWS EKS users please also apply this fix
1) Run cluster and install helm
2) clone repo git clone https://github.com/APGGroeiFabriek/PIVT.git
3) Install HL Fabric binaries
$curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hyperledger/fabric/master/scripts/bootstrap.sh | bash -s -- 1.4.1 1.4.1 0.4.18
$export PATH=$PATH:/path-to-fabric-kube-dir/fabric-samples/bin (path to `cryptogen` bin)
$./init.sh ./samples/simple/ ./samples/chaincode/
-- creating certificates --
-- creating genesis block --
creating hlf-kube/chaincode/very-simple.tar
creating hlf-kube/chaincode/even-simpler.tar
4) install chart dependencies
$helm repo add kafka http://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-charts-incubator
$helm dependency update ./hlf-kube/
5) inside fabric-kube folder launch the network:
helm install ./hlf-kube --name hlf-kube -f samples/simple/network.yaml -f samples/simple/crypto-config.yaml
Happy BlockChaining :)
And don't forget the first rule of BlockChain club:
"Do not use BlockChain unless absolutely necessary!"