node resource usage in openshift


Can somebody clarify me regarding oc adm top command in openshift. As per redhat ( top command will show resources available. But in my cluster it is not the case.

#oc adm top nodes

node2   3166m        6%        102920Mi        82%   

here it is showing memory is 82% used. But when I log in to server I see different values.

          total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:      131857820    52185484     2347628       42496    77324708    78817524

usage is around 52% .

Am I reading this wrong way?

-- santosh.a

1 Answer


Kubectl top nodes as like as oc adm top nodes rely on information from cgroups.

Free , top and other native linux tools rely on information from procps

detailed information is here:

-- VKR
Source: StackOverflow