Cloud Endpoints, Kubernetes and SSL


I am building an app (API) that will be running on the Google Kubernetes engine. I will add a NGINX Proxy (Cloud Endpoints) with SSL such that all external API requests will go through the Cloud Endpoints instance.

Question is, since I already have SSL enabled on the external open interface, do i need to add SSL cvertificates to the Kubernetes engine as well?

-- ssm

1 Answer


In Google Kubernetes Engine, you can use Ingresses to create HTTPS load balancers with automatically configured SSL certificates. Google-managed SSL certificates are provisioned, renewed, and managed for your domain names. Read more about Google-managed SSL certificates here.

No, “You have the option to use Google-managed SSL certificates (Beta) or to use certificates that you manage yourself.”

You added a NGINX Proxy (Cloud Endpoints) with SSL, then you do not need to add SSL certificates to the Kubernetes engine as well.

-- Ahmad P
Source: StackOverflow