ExternalIP for Kubernetes service


I wanted some help in understanding the ExternalIP field in Kubernetes services. Based on the information https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#external-ips I understood that I can define a Kubernetes service and assign a Ip address using the ExternalIP field. To test this i created a Kubernetes environment on AWS using Rancher. In the Kubernetes cluster, i deployed a image and created a Nodeport service and assigned a ElasticIp to the Nodeport service. My expectation was that i will be able to access the service using the ElasticIP:Nodeport.

However the there is no response. I am getting the error destination not available.

If i run the command

kubectl get svc -n namepace

I could see the ElasticIP under the elastic ip field.

I then deployed the same service without the ExternalIp field. This time the Nodeport service. I could access the deployment using the Nodeipaddress:Nodeport.

-- Debdeep Das

1 Answer


I eventually switched to metallb .

-- Debdeep Das
Source: StackOverflow