I am using Terraform to provision resources in Azure, one of which is a Postgres database. My Terraform module includes the following to generate a random password and output to console.
resource "random_string" "db_master_pass" {
length = 40
special = true
min_special = 5
override_special = "!-_"
keepers = {
pass_version = 1
# For postgres
output "db_master_pass" {
value = "${module.postgres.db_master_pass}"
I am using Kubernetes deployment manifest to deploy the application to Azure managed Kubernetes service. Is there a way of passing the database password to Kubernetes in the deployment pipeline? I am using CircleCI for CICD. Currently, I'm copying the password, encoding it to base64 and pasting it to the secrets manifest before running the deployment.
One solution is to generate the Kubernetes yaml from a template.
The pattern uses templatefile function in Terraform 0.12 or the template provider earlier versions to read and local_file resource to write. For example:
data "template_file" "service_template" {
template = "${file("${path.module}/templates/service.tpl")}"
vars {
postgres_password = ""${module.postgres.db_master_pass}"
resource "local_file" "template" {
content = "${data.template_file.service_template.rendered}"
filename = "postegres_service.yaml"
There are many other options, like using to the Kubernetes provider, but I think this better matches your question.