I am pretty new to kubernetes. I run a kubernetes cluster on EKS (AWS).
When installing QlikSense on kubernetes I receive the following error.
helm install -n qliksense qlik/qliksense -f values.yaml
Error: release qliksense failed: secrets "qliksense-nats-secret" already exists
Any idea how to solve this? Thank you!
Which version of Kubernetes and helm are you using? The issue happends with the qliksense stable release in Kubernetes >1.15 and helm >=2.15, if you use older versions you should be good, or use the edge release of qliksense. You can read here: https://help.qlik.com/en-US/sense-admin/November2019/Subsystems/DeployAdministerQSE/Content/Sense_DeployAdminister/Common/system-requirements-qseok.htm
The edge release has no issues, try
helm repo add qlik-edge https://qlik.bintray.com/edge
helm init
helm repo update
helm install -n qlikinit qlik-edge/qliksense-init
helm install -n qliksense qlik-edge/qliksense -f values.yaml