Conditional Cloud Builds with Many Packages in a Monorepo



I want to fully automate the deployment of many services with the help of Google Cloud Build and Google Kubernetes Engine. Those services are located inside a monorepo, which has a folder called services.

So I created a cloudbuild.yaml for every service and created a build trigger. The cloudbuild.yaml does:

  1. run tests
  2. build new version of Docker image
  3. push new Docker image
  4. apply changes to Kubernetes cluster


As the number of services increases, the number of build triggers increases, too. There are also more and more services that are built even though they haven't changed.

Thus I want a mechanism, which has only one build trigger and automatically determines which services need to be rebuild.


Suppose I have a monorepo with this file structure:

├── packages
│   ├── enums
│   ├── components
└── services
    ├── backend
    ├── frontend
    ├── admin-dashboard

Then I make some changes in the frontend service. Since the frontend and the admin-dashboard service depend on the components package multiple services need to be rebuild:

  • frontend
  • admin-dashboard

But not backend!

What I've Tried

(1) Multiple build triggers

Setting up multiple build triggers for every service. But 80% of those builds are redundant, since most changes in the code are only related to individuals services. It's also increasingly complex to manage many build triggers, which look almost identical. A single cloudbuild.yaml file looks like this:

  - name: ""
  - name: ""
    args: ["push", "$PROJECT_ID/frontend"]

  - name: ""
    args: ["apply", "-f", "kubernetes/gcp/frontend.yaml"]
      - "CLOUDSDK_COMPUTE_ZONE=europe-west3-a"
      - "CLOUDSDK_CONTAINER_CLUSTER=cents-ideas"

(2) Looping through cloudbuild files

This question is about a very similar issue. So I've tried to set up one "entry-point" cloudbuild.yaml file in the root of the project and looped through all services:

- name: ''
  entrypoint: 'bash'
  - '-c'
  - |
    for d in ./services/*/; do
      if [[ ! -f "${config}" ]]; then

      echo "Building $d ... "
        gcloud builds submit $d --config=${config}
      ) &

This would eliminate the need for having multiple build triggers. But I also ran into issues with this method:

Every service is sent into it's own build process with the file scope of this particular service. This means, that I can only access files inside /services/specific-service during the build. Which is a total bummer for me (I need access to files in parent directories like packages and config files in the root).

(3) Build only changed services

Since I want a mechanism to only build changed services, I've tried to determine the services that need to be rebuilt. It seems quite easy to do this with the help of lerna. Running

lerna changed --all --parseable

will return a list file paths to the changed packages like this:


However, the list also includes packages and I have no idea how I would be able to use this list in a script to loop through affected services. Also: when I trigger a build (e.g. through tagging a commit), lerna wouldn't be able to recognize changed packages during the build process as the changes have already been committed.

I know this is a long one. But I think it's an important topic, so I really appreciate any help!

P.S.: This is how my actual project looks like, if you want to take a close look at the specific use-case.

-- Florian Ludewig

1 Answer


To build from a monorepo you really want to build incrementally (what is changed and parts that depends on changed parts). To achieve this, your build tool need to handle a dependency graph in some way.

Lerna that you describe is designed for monorepos. But so is also Bazel and it is available as an option in Google Cloud Builder, cloud-builders/bazel with documentation for using in combination with a docker builder.

However, build tools designed for monorepos are usually more complex to setup.

-- Jonas
Source: StackOverflow