deploy to multiple OpenShift Container Registries


I have created three openshift container registries. For example I will use the below addresses:

I am looking for a way or a tool to push the same image to all three in one action.

-- rob anne

2 Answers


I would use the skopeo cli for this from inside my cicd/orchestration tool of choice (e.g. Jenkins, Ansible Tower, etc). skopeo is a command line utility that performs various operations on container images and image repositories.

Take a look at the official OpenShift blog post Promoting container images between container registries with skopeo for example usage.

The example they post there:

def namespace, appReleaseTag, webReleaseTag, prodCluster, prodProject, prodToken

pipeline {
agent {
label 'skopeo'
stages {
stage('Choose Release Version') {
steps {
script {
openshift.withCluster() {
// Login to the production cluster
namespace = openshift.project()
prodCluster = env.PROD_MASTER.replace("https://","insecure://")
withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: "${namespace}-prod-credentials", usernameVariable: "PROD_USER", passwordVariable: "PROD_TOKEN")]) {
prodToken = env.PROD_TOKEN

// Get list of tags in the ImageStream to show the release-manager
def appTags = openshift.selector("istag").objects().collect { }.findAll { it.startsWith 'app:' }.collect { it.replaceAll(/app:(.*)/, "\$1") }.sort()
timeout(5) {
def inputs = input(
ok: "Deploy",
message: "Enter release version to promote to PROD",
parameters: [
string(defaultValue: "prod", description: 'Name of the PROD project to create', name: 'PROD Project Name'),
choice(choices: appTags.join('\n'), description: '', name: 'Application Release Version'),
appReleaseTag = inputs['Application Release Version']
prodProject = inputs['PROD Project Name']
stage('Create PROD') {
steps {
script {
openshift.withCluster(prodCluster, prodToken) {
openshift.newProject(prodProject, "--display-name='CoolStore PROD'")
stage('Promote Images to PROD') {
steps {
script {
openshift.withCluster() {
def srcApplicationRef = openshift.selector("istag", "app:${appReleaseTag}").object().image.dockerImageReference
def destApplicationRef = "${env.PROD_REGISTRY}/${prodProject}/app:${appReleaseTag}"
def srcToken = readFile "/run/secrets/"
sh "skopeo copy docker://${srcApplicationRef} docker://${destApplicationRef} --src-creds openshift:${srcToken} --dest-creds openshift:${prodToken}"
stage('Deploy to PROD') {
steps {
script {
openshift.withCluster(prodCluster, prodToken) {
openshift.withProject(prodProject) {
def template = ''
openshift.process("-f", template, "-p", "APPLICATION_IMAGE_VERSION=${appReleaseTag}", "-p", "IMAGE_NAMESPACE=")
-- Nick
Source: StackOverflow


The official way to move images from one registry to anther is oc image mirror

For example, to copy an image from Docker Hub to the integrated registry use the following command:

$ oc image mirror

-- Chris Bolton
Source: StackOverflow