Splash fails to connect to host when using proxy


I've deployed a splash container into a kubernetes cluster. I also have proxies deployed in the same cluster. The proxies work fine. However, when try to curl a page use proxy profiles in the splash container, It's failing. with "host not found" error.

I ran nslookup from within the container and it can resolve the host name for Google just fine. I can also remove the default.ini proxy file I'm using and again, it works. But it just doesn't like my proxy profile.

My Dockerfile:

FROM scrapinghub/splash
COPY default.ini /etc/splash/proxy-profiles/default.ini

My default.ini proxy profile:


If I run the container without the proxy profile, I can curl a url from within the container with the following just fine:

`curl 'http://proxy-lb.svc.default.cluster.local:8050/render.html?url=http://google.com/&timeout=10&wait=0.5'`    

But if I include the proxy profile in the container and run the same command, I get the following error:

{"error": 502, "type": "RenderError", "description": "Error rendering page", "info": {"type": "Network", "code": 3, "text": "Host google.com not found", "url": "http://google.com/"}}

Can anyone see what is wrong here? Thanks!

-- RoyceBHines

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