I have set up a Kubernetes cluster on GCP/GKE and it's all working well except for one thing. When I access the external IP for the service the (default?) "Kubernetes Ingress Controller Fake Certificate" is served.
I am trying to use the NGINX Ingress (https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx/) and have followed what I believe are the correct instructions for associating a TLS secret with the Ingress. For example:
I have created a secret like this:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: example-tls
namespace: default
tls.crt: [removed]
tls.key: [removed]
type: kubernetes.io/tls
And associated that secret (which I can confirm is applied correctly and I can see in the cluster config) with the Ingress like this:
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
name: example-ingress
namespace: default
kubernetes.io/ingress.class: "nginx"
kubernetes.io/ingress.allow-http: "false"
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/ssl-redirect: "true"
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/force-ssl-redirect: "true"
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/affinity: "cookie"
serviceName: example-service
servicePort: 80
- secretName: example-tls
From the documentation I feel that this should work (but, barring a bug, I am obviously mistaken!).
I've also seen some documentation around requiring target proxies for HTTPS. Perhaps that is the way that I should be doing this?
Many thanks for your help in advance.
Cheers, Ben
PS: This is my load balancer configuration:
kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
name: ingress-nginx
namespace: ingress-nginx
app.kubernetes.io/name: ingress-nginx
app.kubernetes.io/part-of: ingress-nginx
externalTrafficPolicy: Cluster
loadBalancerIP: [removed]
sessionAffinity: ClientIP
type: LoadBalancer
app.kubernetes.io/name: ingress-nginx
app.kubernetes.io/part-of: ingress-nginx
- name: http
port: 80
targetPort: http
- name: https
port: 443
targetPort: https
Edit 1: Looking at my Ingress I can see this:
➜ gke git:(develop) ✗ kubectl describe ing example-tls-ingress
Name: example-tls-ingress
Namespace: default
Address: [removed]
Default backend: example-webapp-service:80 ([removed])
example-tls terminates
Host Path Backends
---- ---- --------
* * example-webapp-service:80 ([removed])
So it looks like the secret is picked up.
And this makes me think that there is a difference between Ingress-terminated TLS and Load Balancer-terminated TLS?
You can just refer to this stackoverflow post.
You need to install jetstack cert-Manager, create clusterissuer/issuer, along with a certificate in which you have to pass domain name / hostname and jetstack will automatically create the secret for you, by the name you mentioned in the 'Certificate'.
That secret has to be patched to TLS in ingress rule.