Schedule jenkins slaves across all nodes in kubernetes cluster (round robin)


my Kubernetes setup:

  • v1.16.2 on bare metal
  • 1 master node: used for Jenkins Master + Docker registry
  • 5 slave nodes: used for Jenkins JNPL slaves

I use kubernetes-plugin to run slave docker agents. All slave k8 nodes labeled as "jenkins=slave". When I use nodeSelector ("jenkins=slave") for podTemplate, kubernetes always schedule new pod on same node regardless the amount of started Jenkins jobs.

Please give me advice, how I can configure kubernetes or kubernetes-plugin to schedule each next build by round-robin (across all labeled nodes in kubernetes cluster)

Thank you.

-- Yaroslav Berezhinskiy

1 Answer


This is generally handled by the inter-pod anti affinity configuration You would set this in the pod template for your builder deployment. That said, it's more common to use the Kubernetes plugin for Jenkins which runs each build as a temporary pod, rather than having long-lived JNLP builders.

-- coderanger
Source: StackOverflow