Where is the root list of CRDs that `operator-courier verify` wants me to update?


When running operator-courier verify against my Operator Bundle built using the Operator Framework's operator-sdk, I'm getting the following error.

ERROR: custom resource definition REDACTED referenced in csv not defined in root list of crds.

I have it in spec.customresourcedefinitionns.owned which is why I assume it knows about it at all.

Where is the "root list" of crds I need to add this to?

-- Josiah

1 Answer


I faced the same issue. The reason for this issue was the incompatible CRD names in the custom resource definition YAML and the CSV file.

The metadata.name of the CRD YAML and the spec.customresourcedefinitions.owned.name of the CSV file should be the same.

If you need to know more information about how this validation works in operator-courier, please refer to this python implementation.

-- Buddhi
Source: StackOverflow