Binary Authorization - Deployment failed - Denied by Attestor. Attestor cannot attest to an image in GKE


I was trying to showcase binary authorization to my client as POC. During the deployment, it is failing with the following error message:

pods "hello-app-6589454ddd-wlkbg" is forbidden: image policy webhook backend denied one or more images: Denied by cluster admission rule for us-central1.staging-cluster. Denied by Attestor. Image denied by projects//attestors/vulnz-attestor: Attestor cannot attest to an image deployed by tag

I have adhered all steps mentioned in the site.

I have verified the image repeatedly for few occurances, for example using below command to force fully make the attestation:

gcloud alpha container binauthz attestations sign-and-create   --project "projectxyz"  --artifact-url ""   --attestor "vulnz-attestor"   --attestor-project "projectxyz"   --keyversion "1"   --keyversion-key "vulnz-signer"   --keyversion-location "us-central1"   --keyversion-keyring "binauthz"   --keyversion-project "projectxyz"

It throws error as:

ERROR: (gcloud.alpha.container.binauthz.attestations.sign-and-create) Resource in project [project xyz] is the subject of a conflict: occurrence ID "c5f03cc3-3829-44cc-ae38-2b2b3967ba61" already exists in project "projectxyz"

So when I verify, I found the attestion present:

gcloud beta container binauthz attestations list       --artifact-url ""       --attestor "vulnz-attestor"       --attestor-project "projectxyz"       --format json  | jq '.[0].kind' \
>       | grep 'ATTESTATION'

Here are the screen shots:

deployment error


cloud build

Any feedback please?

Thanks in advance.


2 Answers


After pointed to another repository problem solved, but before that you were having problems and there could be many reasons. please contact support with error message if you are having the same problem.

-- Shafiq I
Source: StackOverflow


Thank you for trying Binary Authorization. I just updated the Binary Authorization Solution, which you might find helpful.

A few things I noticed along the way:

... denied by projects//attestors/vulnz-attestor:

There should be a project ID in between projects and attestors, like:


Similarly, your links should include that same project ID, for example:

should be

If you followed a tutorial, it likely asked you to set a variable like $PROJECT_ID, but you may have accidentally unset it or ran the command in a different terminal session.

-- sethvargo
Source: StackOverflow