"unable to retrieve the complete list of server APIs: tap.linkerd.io/v1alpha1" error using Linkerd on private cluster in GKE


Why does the following error occur when I install Linkerd 2.x on a private cluster in GKE?

Error: could not get apiVersions from Kubernetes: unable to retrieve the complete list of server APIs: tap.linkerd.io/v1alpha1: the server is currently unable to handle the request
-- cpretzer

2 Answers


In my case, it was related to linkerd/linkerd2#3497, when the Linkerd service had some internal problems and couldn't respond back to the API service requests. Fixed by restarting its pods.

-- kivagant
Source: StackOverflow


The default firewall rules of a private cluster on GKE only permit traffic on ports 443 and 10250. This allows communication to the kube-apiserver and kubelet, respectively.

Linkerd uses ports 8443 and 8089 for communication between the control and the proxies deployed to the data plane.

The tap component uses port 8089 to handle requests to its apiserver.

The proxy injector and service profile validator components, both of which are types of admission controllers, use port 8443 to handle requests.

The Linkerd 2 docs include instructions for configuring your firewall on a GKE private cluster: https://linkerd.io/2/reference/cluster-configuration/

They are included below:

Get the cluster name:

gcloud config set compute/zone your-zone-or-region

Get the cluster MASTER_IPV4_CIDR:

MASTER_IPV4_CIDR=$(gcloud container clusters describe $CLUSTER_NAME \
  | grep "masterIpv4CidrBlock: " \
  | awk '{print $2}')

Get the cluster NETWORK:

NETWORK=$(gcloud container clusters describe $CLUSTER_NAME \
  | grep "^network: " \
  | awk '{print $2}')

Get the cluster auto-generated NETWORK_TARGET_TAG:

NETWORK_TARGET_TAG=$(gcloud compute firewall-rules list \
  --filter network=$NETWORK --format json \
  | jq ".[] | select(.name | contains(\"$CLUSTER_NAME\"))" \
  | jq -r '.targetTags[0]' | head -1)

Verify the values:


# example output foo-network gke-foo-cluster-c1ecba83-node

Create the firewall rules for proxy-injector and tap:

gcloud compute firewall-rules create gke-to-linkerd-control-plane \
  --network "$NETWORK" \
  --allow "tcp:8443,tcp:8089" \
  --source-ranges "$MASTER_IPV4_CIDR" \
  --target-tags "$NETWORK_TARGET_TAG" \
  --priority 1000 \
  --description "Allow traffic on ports 8843, 8089 for linkerd control-plane components"

Finally, verify that the firewall is created:

gcloud compute firewall-rules describe gke-to-linkerd-control-plane
-- cpretzer
Source: StackOverflow