kube-metrics-adapter installation at namespace level


I've a use-case for my REST-API. I'm deploying my REST service to kubernetes. So for Autoscaling my pod, I want to build Horizontal Pod Autoscaler based on custom-metrics like Request-Per-Second. So for that purpose we'll have to create a custom-metrics-adapter like this https://github.com/banzaicloud/banzai-charts/tree/master/kube-metrics-adapter.

But the problem that I'm facing, I don't have access to create any ClusterRole or creating APIService. I just want to know can we deploy this kube-metrics-adapter API at namespace level to which I've access, so that it can provide custom-metrics to HPA. Is it necessary to have this adapter at cluster level?

-- abhishek chaurasiya

1 Answer


Looking at the chart, the RBAC templates are hard-coded to use clusterroles. You can't install this chart if tiller doesn't have cluster-level access. You could try modifying the chart to be namespace scoped, but you'll probably need some level of permissions to the metrics API to register your custom metrics.

Ask a cluster admin if you can get the clusterroles put in?

-- switchboard.op
Source: StackOverflow