Fixing Version skew between master and worker node


I have set up a small kubernetes manually using kubeadm for learning/proof of concept apps. Unfortunately one of my nodes has a different version when I list the nodes:

kubectl get nodes
k8s-master   Ready    master   8h    v1.16.2
k8s-node1    Ready    worker   51m   v1.16.2
k8s-node2    Ready    worker   30m   v1.15.2
k8s-node3    Ready    worker   15m   v1.16.2

k8s-node2 has version v1.15.2 whereas the other nodes have version v1.16.2. How can I get node2 up to date with version v1.16.2? It was not clear whether I run commands on the master or the worker node to fix this? Thanks!

-- ChrisRTech

1 Answer


According to Documentation about version skew policy:


kubelet must not be newer than kube-apiserver, and may be up to two minor versions older.


  • kube-apiserver is at 1.13
  • kubelet is supported at 1.13, 1.12, and 1.11

That means that with master node v1.16.2, worker node with version v1.15.2 is supported. Your cluster is properly configured.

However, if You decide to upgrade node to match the rest of the cluster I suggest following this guide.

-- Piotr Malec
Source: StackOverflow