some problem about initContainer for kubernetes


I have two containers,maybe A and B, which A should run before B, but A is a server application, which the final type is Running but not Complete, so I wonder in this way, will B be never executed? So how can I deal with it?

-- edselwang

1 Answer


If A and B are part of the same pod, then initContainer is the legacy way to establish ordering.

From the Kubernetes Pod lifecycle, I suppose you mean "Running, but no Terminated"

A pod liveness/readiness probe is in your case a better fit, since the server will not accept request until ready.

Read "Straight to the Point: Kubernetes Probes" from Peter Malina

Both readiness and liveness probe run in parallel throughout the life of a container.

  • Use the liveness probe to detect an internal failure and restart the container (e.g. HTTP server down).
  • Use the readiness probe to detect if you can serve traffic (e.g. established DB connection) and wait (not restart) for the container.

A dead container is also not a ready container.
To serve traffic, all containers within a pod must be ready.

You can add a pod readiness gate (stable from 1.14) to specify additional conditions to be evaluated for Pod readiness.

Read also "Kubernetes Liveness and Readiness Probes: How to Avoid Shooting Yourself in the Foot" from Colin Breck

"Should Health Checks call other App Health Checks" compares that approach with the InitContainer approach

-- VonC
Source: StackOverflow