How to assign equal deployments across multiple nodes


This seems like it should be simple enough, but I haven't been able to find an answer.

We have three labeled nodes:

thalia0 thalia1 thalia2

and a Deployment spec, named mm-sa.

I would simply like to set number of replicas of mm-sa to 48 and have the scheduler assign 16 pods to each node.

The closest I could find to this, was here, but it looks like this is not yet avaialble: Node affinity for even spread of pods across multiple availability zones. I also found this, why-kubernetes-scheduler-ignores-nodeaffinity, but it says that "According to the documentation, nodeAffinity must exist for each node that can be used for a scheduled pod and the node having the biggest weight sum is chosen."

This seems like such a simple use-case, but I cannot figure out how to achieve it without using a naïve approach, as in defining 3-different Deployments named mm-sa1, ... mm-sa3 and using a nodeSelector to assign each accordingly. (NB: I am currently using a nodeSelector to assign 16-replicas of mm-sa on a single node).

-- horcle_buzz

1 Answer


Kubernetes will automatically spread the pods in a replication controller or service across nodes in a single-zone cluster. So @David Maze's solution should apply if there are no other nodes. However since you mentioned that you have other nodes that you do not want to schedule on, I would recommend using the nodeSelector. By using nodeSelector, as long as the node has the same key-value pair in the YAML, the pod will be able to schedule on the node.

You can read more about nodeSelector here:

-- panda
Source: StackOverflow